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Coalition Life Volunteer

Help save lives and build a culture of life.

Coalition Life is a Christian non-profit in search of elite talent to help us develop A Community That Respects and Defends Life at All Stages of Development. Our team of well-formed staff and volunteers is our greatest asset because we have shared values and passion for our cause. This powerful unity helps us be laser-focused on saving lives and redirecting souls on a joyful path. With our diverse and apt team, we are building an enduring organization with the necessary excellence to tackle the greatest challenge of our era.

Sidewalk counselor support through prayer

We are empowering women to make a positive choice for life.

Our mission is to provide loving and effective advocates for life in front of every abortion facility in the country to provide a last line of defense for every mother and child in crisis.

Our values guide everything

Our values are part of who we are, what we believe in, what we aspire to be, and they are reflected in our actions. They are our commitment to one another, and the collective personality of our organization.

1. Christian

We are an ecumenical staff of Christians all committed to serving God and loving our neighbors in need. Our faith in Jesus Christ is paramount to everything we do.

2. Pro-life without exception

We uphold the sanctity of human life in all circumstances.

3. First show love

We are peaceful and loving in all of our interactions and never use hatefulness or violence in pursuit of our mission.

4. Good ambassadors for our mission

We recognize that we each represent Coalition Life and the values it stands for every moment of the day, on or off the clock.
Two Coalition Life employees in Fairview Heights Illinois near St. Louis Missouri
Coalition Life employees in St. Louis MO
Coalition Life employee in Fairview Heights Illinois near St. Louis Missouri
Coalition Life employee in Fairview Heights Illinois near St. Louis Missouri